PREO has been growing strongly and steadily for many years, despite increasing competition. We win our customers over with a trustworthy business model and with a dedicated personnel that holds PREO’s values to the highest standard.

We communicate in a way that is open and fair, enjoy working with our colleagues, value our own ideas and appreciate a sense of responsibility.

The same values that we live internally are also shown externally to our customers and partners. This is how we create an environment for continuous improvement not only for our company but also for our employees.

We’re Not a Start-up Anymore, Are We?

PREO started as a tech start-up. Today, we’re no longer a start-up, but a company with dynamic growth and a concise business model that is increasingly understood and appreciated by the market.

That’s why – like a company just starting out – PREO is shaped by a pioneering spirit, team spirit and a desire for growth. We are far removed from rigid structures, and we’re always ready to learn, take on new opportunities and develop further.

Who Works At PREO?

With 40 employees, our team is already astonishingly diverse in terms of responsibilities, background and expertise. So you get a productive mix of specialists from various disciplines with international backgrounds. They work in sales, software development, finance, back office, legal people relations, organisation, marketing and PR.

  • The thing that unites us across all locations and departments is mutual respect and open interaction with one another.

The doors to the executive boards are also open to everyone.

With each new team member, we gain additional skills, fresh ideas and new momentum.

How we communicate

Part of the job is talking to each another in an open, clear and solution-oriented way. Linguistic fairness is something that goes without (or with!) saying, but we like emotion and humour even more.

  • We pay attention to our style of communication because we know that communication forms the basis for how our processes work.

We practice fast and straightforward exchange – whether it’s directly in a small group, via Slack, by telephone or email, or in meetings.

Hierarchies aren’t important in discussions about opportunities, problems and ideas. We keep the performance structure flat, because experience and expertise are more important to us than top and bottom.

What We Mean by Good Cooperation

Teams work really well when the basic approach of team members is cooperative. That’s why there are two dimensions to working with us across the whole company:

  1. Do what you can: We help each other out and don’t say, “that’s none of my business,” when a colleague needs support.
  2. Do what should be done: If we are working together as a team on the same job, we are working hand in hand. Everyone knows what they can contribute to make something a success and how important it is for everyone to be able to rely on the other members of the team.

Community and teamwork are core values, because this makes work more fun, it makes it easier to succeed, and everyone is more successful when they work together.

A collaborative approach to work is something that is deep-rooted at PREO, so you won’t find any internal competition or selfish mindsets here.

Why We Value a Sense of Responsibility So Much

A sense of responsibility is where professional conduct begins. That’s why we like it when our employees feel responsible – it benefits customer satisfaction, the success of a task, the quality of employees’ own work and their own development.

As an employer, PREO ensures that employees are able to develop initiative, curiosity and a solution-oriented, hands-on approach. If someone feels that the conditions needed for flexibility and autonomous work could be better in their job, we’re happy to talk about making changes.